Category: Feldspar & their family

Sunstone Formations and Values

Sunstone Formations and Values

Usually orange, brown, or yellow in color, sunstone can also have pink, green, and red tones. The feldspar mineral contains minute inclusions of copper or hematite, which give the stone its sparkling luster. Known as aventurescence, these inclusions scatter light in such a way that it sparkles.

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What is Orthoclase Price, Value, & Color

What is Orthoclase: Price, Value, & Color

Orthoclase can have pink, green, or blue tones in addition to its usual color of colorlessness or light yellow. Its Mohs scale hardness of 6-6.5 qualifies it for use in jewelry items like earrings and necklaces. It is not advised to use it in rings or other jewelry that is subject to frequent wear and tear, though.

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Luminar Gem- Moonstone

Luminar Gem: Moonstone

The peculiar adularescence of moonstone, which is a condition where light appears to flow over the stone’s surface when it is tilted, makes it a coveted gemstone. It is a type of orthoclase feldspar, and it gets its name from the pearly sheen on its surface that makes it look like the moon.

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Unveiling the Mystique - Labradorite the Beauty and Metaphysical Wonders

Unveiling the Mystique – Labradorite the Beauty and Metaphysical Wonders

The dance of hues in labradorite, which is brought on by light dispersion within the structure of the stone, is one of its most distinguishing characteristics. The interference of light waves as they travel through the small layers of feldspar in the stone is what causes the phenomenon known as labradorescence. Usually displaying blue, green, and gold tones, labradorite can also exhibit flashes of orange, pink, and purple. Due to its distinctive coloration, labradorite is a highly prized gemstone.

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Feldspar and their Family
Feldspar & their family

Feldspar and their Family

A collection of minerals known as feldspar makes up about 60% of the Earth’s crust. They are a fundamental part of sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks and are critical to the genesis of numerous geological processes. In the feldspar family of minerals, four oxygen atoms surround a core silicon or aluminum atom in a framework structure known as a tetrahedron. These minerals have comparable chemical and physical characteristics.

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