Category: Opal & their family

What are White Opal & their Value
White opal

What are White Opal & their Value

The body color of white opal is light or white, and it frequently has a play of color that ranges from pale to dazzling. White opal is prized for its delicate interplay of colors, which can include hues of blue, green, pink, and purple. This contrasts with the bold brilliance of black or fire opal. Australia, Ethiopia, Mexico, and other countries all have white opal deposits.

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Dancing with Flames: The Allure of Fire Opals
Fire opal

Dancing with Flames: The Allure of Fire Opals

A particular variety of opal known as “fire opal” is distinguished by its intense orange to red tint. Fire opals have a homogeneous body color with little to no play of color, in contrast to other forms of opals that are prized for it. Mexico, Brazil, and a few western U.S. states are among the countries where fire opals can be discovered.

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Gem of the Night: The Enigma of Black Opal
Black opal

Gem of the Night: The Enigma of Black Opal

Because to its dark body color and spectacular color play, black opal is a highly valued and uncommon gemstone. Together with crystal and white opals, it is regarded as one of the most expensive varieties of opals. Black opals are created in the same way as other varieties of opals, but because of their dark body color, the color play is enhanced, increasing their brightness and striking the eye.

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Gemstone Chronicles- Opal and the Family Connection
Opal & their family

Gemstone Chronicles: Opal and the Family Connection

Many people adore opal, a rare and interesting gemstone. It is a type of hydrated amorphous silica that can take on a variety of colors and patterns during formation. The lovely gemstone we all know and love, opal, is created when silica gel seeps into cracks and holes in rocks.

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